In a world of mundane needs and the ever-presence of deadlines for all sorts of tasks, we mere mortals constantly struggle to find even a few seconds each day to where we can take a long breath and feel that we do not immediately have to dive back into productivity. It makes little things like comfort and achieving the look that you’re aiming for especially stressful. And, when you’re trying to get your clothing to lay the way it promised it would or your hair to stop doing that thing that it keeps doing, those few seconds aren’t nearly enough. In fact, a few hours might not get us there!It is for this that we pray in thanks for the ancient goddesses who have looked down upon we tragic few and blessed us with a little of their own divine might. Immortality they may all have and an endless amount of time, but their perfect hair remains that way through ultimate power! And, they’ve granted us this rare opportunity to feel how they do all the time with this Golden Goddess Wig. Made of beautiful threads of creation, these long curly blonde locks with perfect straight bangs—already proof that they were divinely created—are sure to remain precisely and immortally in place while you finally get to stride out like the deity you are!
Missing the long lustrous blonde locks you oh-so-desire? This golden goddess wig has the glowing look you need for any ethereal look.
SAS ID: 38286