
11th Doctor Bow Tie


11th Doctor Bow Tie

When you are a nearly-immortal alien being, with an endless understanding of the intricacies of space, inter-dimensional travel, and other wibbly wobbly, timey wimey…stuff, you can’t be bothered by what you wear. You can wear a suit and tie, a leather jacket, a coat and scarf, or anything darn thing you please, because you’re a doctor!One of The Doctor’s cooler trademark styles is his tweed jacket and bow tie (we know it’s cool, because he said so). Now, you can look as cool as The Doctor when you are wearing this 11th Doctor Bow Tie. This tie will go brilliantly with your 11th Doctor costume, or just as a fun accessory to wear around and look cool in. Now, is it cool enough to be able to pull off eating fish sticks and custard in? We’ll let you find that out for yourself.

The 11th Doctor was the best Dr. Who of all! Adopt his signature look when you add this 11th Doctor Bow Tie to your costume!

SAS ID: 38286

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